"Our Reflections" Exhibition

“Our Reflections” Exhibition

This space spoke to me as well as the passion of the curator. “We had over 500 artists contact us and we reached out you. You were number 1.” As an artist knowing what goes into your work, you feel a little biased, so having it appreciated (by coordinators and attendees) was a reminder the devotion is worth it. It’s a unique opportunity to sit by and see the reactions to essentially pieces of your soul on display. Witnessing homeless people and art enthusiasts alike, looking in awe of the sculptures in the window drove me to understand this work really isn’t me, it’s all of us and I was honored to share it with every person who laid eyes on it, and stood in wonder at a piece of themselves staring back.

Gratitude to:
Little Space Studio for a lovingly curated event.
The other artists for putting themselves out there.
And myself for giving this world what it calls for and having faith it’ll listen.

“Our Reflections”
Curated by Little Space Studio
The Historic Harris Building
Grand Rapids, MI, USA