Audifax Art

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Youth Justice & Prevention Mural

This project was in collaboration with The Bubbler’s Making Justice Program at Madison Public Library. I appreciate your support!

For the first time since before COVID began, teens were back in the Dane County Human Services building to help create this mural. Social workers, teens and I met after their school hours and worked together to paint this massive and bright piece called BLOOM that now welcomes everyone walking into the lunch room. I created sections for different skill levels so anyone who wanted to paint could give it a try. Check out our time lapse on the Bubbler website (thanks for making this!).

During our time together, we talked about the meaning of the mural and it was clear that it meant growth. With changes happening you have a choice to embrace or resist, and when we choose to embrace, we bloom.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. The pictures say it all.