Street Art & Murals

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Audifax Mural Muralist Madison Mural Verona Mural Art House 360 Mural Female Street Artist Wisconsin
Audifax Mural Muralist Madison Mural Verona Mural Art House 360 Mural Female Street Artist Wisconsin


Spray Paint & Wall Paint
Location: Art House 360
401 W Verona Ave, Verona, WI 53593/ USA

The face and flowers are spray paint, background and calligraffiti are in wall paint.

The mural is 4 layers creating a cohesive design, with each part containing its own meaning. A geometric pattern throughout was painted first, then the spray painted face was added, following a flow of calligraffiti and finishing with the spray painted flowers. The Art House 360 is a space where people gather to create and express themselves. This community shares the initial spark of “Imagination,” that indescribable sense pushing us to birth an idea. The face is receiving the idea, with the waves of blue at the edges swirling and flowing out, as we begin to take action. The flowers show the blossoming of the creative process and the lilies themselves are representative of sacredness - honoring life and death in cultures throughout history. In our creative flow, we can experience extremes that feel like torture at times with an underlying gratitude driving us to bring to life whatever it is we need to share with the world. The calligraffiti is in a beautiful gold, a code of respect and peace for the community inside these walls, but also the one outside, all those who see this mural. The space of inner peace is a gift that heals and helps prepare us for the best of ideas that nourish the soul.

Huge thank you to Art House 360 - This is a beautiful endeavor and I’m grateful to be part of it! Vital Signs in Verona for hanging the mural, DAMA for the warehouse space, Madison Makeovers for panel preparation and Seidr Solutions for assistance hanging and removing the panels in the warehouse.


The Rusty Bee Lounge Mural

Spray Paint & Wall Paint
Location: The Rusty Bee Lounge
5134 E Cheryl Pkwy, Fitchburg, WI 53711/ USA

The face and flowers are spray paint & background design is in matte wall paint.

She’s elegant, whimsical and bright, complementing their interior design. One person commented “I sense hope and bravery,” which I thought was absolutely beautiful. It’s one with soul, so when you see her in person, just listen for a moment. Love and gratitude to the team at the Rusty Bee Lounge. The vibe in this space is absolutely phenomenal, I’m very proud to be a part of it.


Riding Waves, 2023
Mural by Audifax, 
Photo by Carrie Chase Photography, 
Project commissioned by the Madison Public Art Project.


Wall Paint
Monona Beltline Underpass

A street art interpretation of the Great Wave created for the Monona drive underpass, provides a calm and fun image for those on their way to and from a destination. We experience all types of emotions in our vehicles and this serves as a reminder to ‘check in’ with our mental health. Self awareness changes our lives. When we take a look at ourselves and the core of where our emotions stem from, we can make positive changes. Much thanks to everyone who gave a shout out while this hard work was being created.

"This project was commissioned by the Madison Public Art Project. For Sponsorship information on the #RidingWaves project please visit:"



Spray Paint & Wall Paint
Location: Mother Fools Coffee Shop
1101 Williamson St, Madison, WI / USA

“Every day a baby is welcomed. As it’s tiny feet touch the smile of a mother, another is released from this earth, saying goodbye to a precious life full of history. This birth and death is the ebb and flow of renewal, a fate we step into seemingly unwillingly. We fight, coalesce, whatever the surface experiences, this inner knowing, like a clock with no hands calls ‘come home.’ We reach to the being, that which is within, to gift us the eyes to see we have been all along. Breath, I surrender, I am.” - Audifax

“Thank you. It is really really calming, and in this day and age, we need calm.” - Passerby
You’re welcome!

Audifax Mural,Murals in Madison WI, Madison Mural, Madison Street Art, Wisconsin Street Artist, Street Art WIsconsin, Female Street Artist, Female Muralist, Madison Mural, Wisconsin Mural, Calligraffiti


Spray Paint & Wall Paint
Location: Harley’s Liquor & Bait 3838 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI

Do we know what we truly want, or are we just repeating the same thoughts that cause distance and distractions from what’s important? By taking a moment to “be” we can see deeper than the surface, allowing our inner knowing (represented by calligraphy) to guide us. There, in silence, we find space to listen and have no questions. We are left only with commitment to a cause greater than our ego; one of joy, happiness and community, for all



Wall Paint
2015 Winnebago St Suite 101, Madison, WI 53704

The brand new space has a cozy feel and bright accents with a variety of beer on tap. Bringing this painting into their world felt like an honor, with a request to create something whimsical with a Wisconsin sunset featuring Savannah Oak, you can’t help but feel a sense of delight. All the best to you Herbiery Brewing on this new adventure. Happy to be a part of it! (More pics here)



Wall Paint
2713 Atwood Ave Suite 202, Madison, WI 53704

Designed for their brand new yoga studio, this space offers healing modalities for folks living with or affected by trauma, addiction, and mental health issues. The design was intended to encourage centering yourself to find the strength you need by taking that time to go inside, even though it might be uncomfortable. This internal connection is necessary to become who you want, instead of what you’re seeing when looking from the outside.



Branding & Wall Design - Port Washington, WI
Spray paint & Wall paint

If walls could talk they’d say “wow that’s a lot of tape!” The branding was made with spray paint as well as the yellow fading highlights, the rest - wall paint. This was a very precise and challenging project, which I loved! It turned out great! Stop by and check out the work in person and grab a meal!

Madison Street Art Mural Calligraffiti Ohio Tavern


Wall & Spray Paint
Location: Ohio Tavern 224 Ohio Ave, Madison, WI

Audifax Madison Street Art Graffiti Calligraffiti Ohio Tavern

THE OHIO TAVERN - Interior Design & Murals
(more pics & story

Location: Ohio Tavern 224 Ohio Ave, Madison, WI
The Ohio Tavern got a gutting and makeover. I helped with everything from the interior design (bar design, lighting, wall and stain colors, bathroom sinks, mirrors, plants, even down to the toilet paper holders) in addition to the murals. Stop by and see the new sexy space for yourself.



Wall & Spray Paint
Location: Ohio Tavern 224 Ohio Ave, Madison, WI

“Simple, but elegant and eye catching.” - The review of a neighborhood passerby. Transforming this bar was potentially the most fun I’ve had working so far this summer. It was a unique space and I wanted to create a design to compliment the face I had painted here last August. Using 2 species of flowers chosen by the owner, I was slightly nervous about making daffodils look cool- but it turned out fantastic and in his words “It exceeded my expectations.” Great spot to eat tacos, have a drink and admire some fresh paint.

(Scroll for before pic)


REAL EYES - Barcelona, Spain

Spray Paint - Free-hand solo piece.
Location: Agricultura, Poblenou

Waking up to the warrior within doesn’t just mean you discovered strength, instead you faced your demons and are at peace with the light and even the dark parts of who you are.



Spray Paint
Location: Tabacalera Art Center - for El Keller Madrid, Spain

I was honored to be selected to paint for the artist community El Keller, located in the caverns of an abandoned tobacco factory, turned art center. This was the dirtiest I’ve gotten painting and totally worth it. If you make it to Madrid- check it out!

This piece represents the importance of taking time to reflect, seeing pieces of ourselves in a light of acceptance in order to create space for a new journey ahead.


Meeting of Styles - Madrid

Spray Paint
Location: Madrid, Spain

This piece was for Meeting of Styles graffiti festival in Madrid, Spain. An incredible experience painting alongside many amazing artists from across Europe.

Check out the video here!

Audifax Mural,Murals in Madison WI, Madison Mural, Madison Street Art, Wisconsin Street Artist, Street Art WIsconsin, Female Street Artist, Female Muralist, Madison Mural, Wisconsin Mural, Calligraffiti


Spray Paint / Acrylic Paint - Free hand - Hands and calligraphy by Audifax / Collaboration on calligraphy with Saltrock Tattoo

Location: Momentum Art Tech 195 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison, WI

Our hands have the potential to create, destroy or be stagnant. With each action we take, we write the code (as represented by the calligraphy) that shapes our lives, affecting others. When our focus is only on the past, we deny what’s possible. Knowing you have free will, the ability to choose your actions no matter what you have been through, is a powerful realization. 

Throughout history honor was given to the greatest warrior, with tales of veneration spreading across our most beloved books, religious teachings, and even in our current media- with war the answer to solving problems, video games and movies portraying violence as heroic. Anger keeps us in a pattern of separation, but by rising above this cycle, beginning with our personal decisions, our values as a society can shift. Your being knows the truth, the right way, the action you can take that will change the reality of your world, having a positive effect. You hold the power in your hands, this inherent knowledge that all humans possess, the ability to create.



Spray Paint - Free hand (aside from the lines)
Location: Momentum Art Tech 195 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison, WI

She represents our core being, rather than a human. The feathers are a symbol of our ancient roots. Her eyes are both closed and slightly open, indicating the choice we have to connect with our inner awareness or stay in a state of complacency. Opening to who we are at the deepest level, we tap into a power beyond our understanding, an ability to reach the heights of the ancients that walked this earth before us. Their works still baffle the greatest scholars and yet we call them “primitive.” Our self absorption has caused separation from each other and our potential. If you reflect on what you are doing, you see the responsibility you hold as an individual, the cause and effect of our choices. The power is inside, transcending limitations we create. This awakening ripples out, represented by the lines, lighting a new path. As you enter into true power releasing chains of ego, this shift travels like waves causing growth, as shown in the organic water design on each side. Blue - the color of healing and water - the element of emotion. Are you helping yourself, your community, the world? It begins with opening your eyes.



Spray Paint - Free-hand solo piece.
LOCATION: Mother Fool’s, Madison, WI -USA

Face Inspiration: Nicia (IG:oao_niciaa) from Madison, WI

Back to blue! I started out painting faces in blue and decided to go back to it. As I was creating this piece, I had some of the most excited people stop by- never have I felt so appreciated as an artist. Thank you for your support everyone! It means the world when I get those moments of your appreciation. This past summer, while painting ‘Delta’ at the Momentum Urban Arts Fest, Nicia had stopped by and became an instagram follower. She popped in my head when I was thinking of a face for this piece, so I reached out to see if I could use one of her pics for inspiration. When happily seeing her face on a wall, she shared she had been feeling pretty down lately and this was exactly the pick-me-up she needed. I love how the universe works with us to aide in bringing positivity to people, even total strangers, at just the right time.

Audifax Mural,Murals in Madison WI, Madison Mural, Madison Street Art, Wisconsin Street Artist, Street Art WIsconsin, Female Street Artist, Female Muralist, Madison Mural, Wisconsin Mural, Calligraffiti


Spray Paint
LOCATION: 2713 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI

This is a three story mandala I hand designed for the Storybridge building. The mandala itself holds the intention of bringing harmony, with the eyes adding a symbol of peace and reflection. I only had the lift for one day, so this had to be a quick design and execution.


DELTA - Momentum Urban Arts Fest

Spray Paint
LOCATION: 5713 Monona Drive, Monona, WI USA

Delta/Change - this was my piece for the Momentum Urban Arts Fest, where over 70 artists participated in painting walls around Monona- this one being on the south wall of Ultimate Veritas Salon Spa. As you can see from the closeups this wall was stucco plaster, making it difficult to paint as the light shifted- as well as filling all of the angles, but it was worth the challenge as it created a painted look. The central image of the woman is inspired from the beautiful work of Spanish photographer, Fares Micue. The bold triangles are the symbol for Delta- which in mathematics / science means change. As we connect to each earthly moment (represented by the leaves), we are given infinite possibilities (the galaxy) dependent upon our choices. Standing in who we are while being open to change provides us the option to create our highest reality.

This festival was an amazing experience, it not only gave me a chance to engage with the community of Monona/Madison, but also meet other artists and witness their talent - and oh did they BRING it! Working at my spot most of the event, I was only able to catch glimpses of them in action, but taking a drive around the city after my piece was complete, I was so inspired by their art, it made me excited to go out and do even better next time I hit a wall. This was an opportunity to really express ourselves with the community and judging by the comments from those young and old, we had a very appreciative audience to share our passion with.




Spray Paint & Wall Paint
Location: Juvenile Shelter Home (Ohio Street Garage) 2402 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI

This was a partnership with
The Bubbler at Madison Public Library

I painted this piece with teens staying at the shelter. We based the design on our workshops together.

“What does this mural mean to you?”

“Let folks who never had a voice, have a voice finally and opportunities and do the things they never could. Finally let everybody be equal.” I love the mural though, I love the eyes, I feel like it looks into your eyes.”
-Teen Resident

The invitation to get involved in the mural creation was extended to teen residents, and like any activity, some were ecstatic to put down the first layer of background and others were wanting to leave after 20 minutes. For some, it was their first time picking up an exterior paint brush, and seeing the design exclaimed “we’re supposed to paint THAT!? How are we going to paint that!?” We threw on some music and over the course of a month and a half, layer by layer I showed them. There is a lot involved that you wouldn’t expect, so most times there was plenty to help with. Teens that come and go in the shelter have varying interests, so I wanted to give more kids a chance to paint if they felt up for getting outside and trying something new. Read on here


Youth Justice and Prevention Mural

Wall Paint
Location: 1227 N Sherman Ave, Madison, WI

This was a partnership with The Bubbler’s Making Justice Program at Madison Public Library

For the first time since before COVID began, teens were back in the Dane County Human Services building to help create this mural. Social workers, teens and I met after their school hours and worked together to paint this massive and bright piece called BLOOM that now welcomes everyone walking into the lunch room. I created sections for different skill levels so anyone who wanted to paint could give it a try. More pics here.

Working with teens from start to finish to create “I Belong”

Working with teens from start to finish to create “I Belong”

I BELONG - Summer Shelter Project

Spray Paint & Wall Paint
Location: Juvenile Shelter Home (Ohio Street Garage) 2402 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI

This was a partnership with The Bubbler at Madison Public Library

I spent most of the summer with teens and staff at the shelter, working on art projects in the sunshine or tucked away in the garage on rainy days. The project’s intention was simple- to be outside exploring techniques and getting lost in the process of creation, while connecting with nature and each other.

The painting is a representation of where our concept of home is, titled “I Belong.” To me, this was our group for the months of July & August. The design evolved during our workshops where we got a chance to learn new skills, just flow with paint markers on things like shoes, or add to the board. Even those with no art experience found they were connecting on another level, with themselves and each other.

This painting represents growth, and feeling accepted & appreciated. With each detail holding meaning, most of which we developed together.

Moths: Finding the Light - We encountered many moths flying around us as we worked, so we included them as a focal point.
Cocoon (Right side under ear) - A teen wanted to incorporate the process of a moth- important to the meaning of our growth.

Blue Background: Dark Fading into Light 
- We decided to use the light and dark to represent our moods.
Tile Stencil: Stars- we become our own stars by embracing who we are, and finding confidence in our uniqueness. Reflective of Spanish / Moroccan tile - collaborative idea between myself and a teen.
Circle of Leaves: Light and Dark, Understanding we’ll have good days and bad, and honoring the fact they are both necessary in order to grow.
Plants Growing: Reflective of our time together outside, connecting with nature and being in the moment.
Central Image (the girl): I wanted this image to develop during our sessions. In a discussion on the design, a teen said “I feel like it should be something that defines you as an artist.” So I painted a face in spray in the culture she chose that wasn’t yet represented on the block.

See our project pics and read more about it here.

Audifax Mural with teens Madison

METRO PANTHERS - Juvenile Detention Center

Spray Paint & Wall Paint (2/2022)
Location: Dane County Juvenile Detention Center - Madison, WI USA

This was a partnership with
The Bubbler at Madison Public Library

Metro Panthers Project continued! Together in each facility, with the students I created a different version of the panther. Here we took a few weeks to use skills like stencils and of course painting to make this incredible piece. The panther was done in spray paint by myself, and the rest was a collaboration with the teen residents. Read and see more pics here. Check back for the video!


METRO PANTHERS - Project with Jail Residents

Spray Paint / Acrylic Paint / Collaboration with Resients in Dane County Jail

This was a partnership with
The Bubbler at Madison Public Library

Location: Dane County Jail Classroom 115 W Doty Street, Madison, WI
Meet the new Dane County Jail Classroom Mascot
“I know for a couple of our young men who are really struggling with emotions and mental health stuff, this was the big motivator and really pulled them out of some dark places.” - Tina Geier - Metro High/Dane County Jail - Teacher/Department Chair

Some of the boys I’d worked with on the Look Within Mural at the Detention Center are now in jail and wanted my help in designing and painting a mascot. Only problems were: we had 2 weeks to make it before graduation and I couldn’t go inside. After learning these perceived obstacles it was obvious, I had to do it.

Tina said "The mental health support this gave the guys was immeasurable.” From a young man who just arrived saying it was “immature and childish” to moments later opening up after having a paintbrush in hand and going for hours, to the boys encouraging good behavior so they wouldn’t miss a chance to paint, this mural provided focus, pride and positivity. “Behaviors across the jail were improving because the kids were going back like they didn’t want to miss class the next day. On their P’s & Q’s in the unit and telling other people to calm down so there wasn’t a risk of not being able to come because of bad behavior.” - Tina

Seeing the giant smile of Student E in his cap and gown with the panther eyes staring over his shoulder made me think, if this is what transforming a wall together can do inside of a jail, imagine the size of waves just waiting to be made.

Read More & See Pics and Video Here

We can’t show their smiling faces due to privacy, but trust me these young men are incredibly proud to be united as The Metro Panthers!

Audifax Mural,Murals in Madison WI, Madison Mural, Madison Street Art, Wisconsin Street Artist, Street Art WIsconsin, Female Street Artist, Female Muralist, Madison Mural, Wisconsin Mural, Middle School Mural Madison, School Mural Madison

Thomas Jefferson Middle School - Madison, WI
With teens from the LGBTQ BIPOC Student Leadership Group

Wall Paint
Location: 101 S Gammon Rd, Madison, WI
We worked on our individual projects and held discussions. It was through these images and conversations the design was born. The image is a beautiful single rose, with a mixture of bright colors fading into each other and the word “Love” at the top. Read more and see additional pics here. Thank you to Miss V, students and staff.

“I liked the moments, like everything, like them painting over there, them talking at the table.” - Student

Madison Mural Teen Mural Audifax Mural School Mural

Malcolm Shabazz High School - Madison, WI

Wall Paint
Location: 1601 N Sherman Ave, Madison, WI 53704
I felt at home in this school. They were very inviting and I’d like to extend a “thank you” for the peace that these students and staff bring to a typically turbulent space. I feel like you all have brought the word growth fully, which is the meaning of this mural, to your environment and I’m happy to now be a part of that with this piece. More pics and info here.

Only some of our group that helped, shown in the photo. The mural is now in their student lounge, bringing both bright and calm to the space.


State Street Murals - Madison, WI
With teens from Edgewood High (& friends)

Spray & Wall Paint
Location: See 437 State Street, Madison, WI 53703

This was painted after the protests.

Together we transformed sheets of plywood into a message.

The only way to truly grasp what I feel about painting this past weekend, is to go down to State Street and absorb and listen to each piece with your own eyes and hearts. My words are unable to explain the depth and sincerity expressed. I contributed the one way I felt I could in this moment, working through an image to help bring attention to the voice of the black community and the youth I collaborated with. Together we transformed sheets of plywood into a message, their message. That day, I was planning to paint the picture of the strong woman in an alley doing street art the way I normally do, just for me, doing what I love even if no one sees it. With the printed paper already in my hands, she was meant to stand for something more. They had creative freedom, and all were eager to paint, but before picking up a brush I asked them to look at the other art in order to grasp the power of these images. They wanted to add a list of bills that everyone could vote on, to give people an idea of how they can make a difference, but as work progressed the creation became more focused on representing growth, a hand with seeds and the direct message “BLM.” People stopped to say “thank you” and oftentimes I found myself saying it back, “thank YOU.” Being a part of this moment feels sacred; if you take a walk down this street, you’ll understand why.

*The project was part of a collaboration between the Central BID and the City of Madison Arts Program.


LOOK WITHIN- Dane County Juvenile Detention Center // With teen residents

LOCATION: Dane County Juvenile Detention Center - Madison, WI USA

This was a partnership with
The Bubbler at Madison Public Library

I was invited to paint a mural with teens at the Juvenile Detention Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Most of the youth there are awaiting their court date, so it can be a pretty intense atmosphere, which is why the Making Justice Program started connecting artists with teens to brighten the space. I was the fourth one to paint their walls and wanted to bring something crisp, bold and powerful.

Where this mural sits in the building, being the last and first thing the teens see before and after court, I wanted to bring a peaceful and powerful image -  a reminder to reflect and find peace and clarity within. The central faces are split down the middle and show regardless of who you are (gender, race, background), change and a desire to create a better life for yourself begin with you. First get to know and respect yourself and positivity can be shown to and shared with others. The surrounding mandala image was chosen because of their representation of inner peace throughout the ages. Waves at the center stand for the ripple effect in the power in being authentic with yourself, radiating to those around you. Read more about the meaning of the mural & experience here.

A HUGE thank you to the staff of Dane County Juvenile Detention Center, Jesse Vieau and the staff of Teen Bubbler at the Madison Public Library and their partners for coordinating the Making Justice Program. More cities need to implement community projects like this!


LOVE IS LEGACY - Toki Middle School
With 8th Grade Students

Wall paint & acrylic - Collaboration with 8th grade students.
Location: Akira Toki Middle School, Madison, WI - USA

This was a partnership with
The Bubbler at Madison Public Library

I kicked off the year teaming up with the Bubbler and 8th grade students at Toki Middle School in Madison, WI, USA. Together we created an indoor panel mural and art projects based on their personal legacy. I designed choices for the mural based on their ideas and they took a vote. The image chosen has waves- an idea that came directly from a student, a sunrise representing a new day, blue sign language spelling LOVE- the number one word they chose. They also had equality, respect and kindness, which automatically arise when you are coming from a place of love. Diversity is represented via the surrounding printed translations of love using the languages spoken by students in the school Everyone had a chance to paint as we switched out the panels, or the option of working on their own projects in a medium of their choice. It was amazing to transform their ideas into an inspirational message they could help create and walk by every day. See more pics and read about the original project here!


Collaboration with Scientists

Spray Paint
LOCATION: Luna’s Grocery - 2010 Red Arrow Trail, Madison, WI

Spring 2020 - Look for our official unveiling and mural introduction!
More info on our scientists and the project

I had the honor of working with the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery (WID) on their project of bringing street art together with science. Chosen to collaborate on a design representing Big Data & Precision Medicine, after meeting my scientists*, it was obvious why the universe paired us together. I am a huge advocate of creating awareness of our environment impacting our health as well as encouraging people to make better individual choices to improve their own health. Also, the effects of our ancestors passed on via epigenomes is fascinating. Most importantly, I love to paint! So this project was not only a learning experience, but an opportunity to provide some fun color and imagery to a serious topic. Together, scientists Rupa Sridharan, Irene Ong and I got to work creating a design that could represent everything they wanted to convey about their field in a 14 x 20’ spray painted mural.

The Design: The woman’s face in focus in the center of the two blurred profiles represents the need for individual care. DNA inclusive of epigenomes surround them with the words: Choices, Environment (both effecting our health), Big Data, Precision Medicine. To the right are trees which represent our environment. To the left are enlarged proteins, a metabolite molecular structure and RNA strand.

Painting- Major challenges were: Low pressure spray paint in below 20° (the paint doesn’t come out of the can, or stick to the wall), corrugated steel with spray paint (we often use quick even lines for precision- very difficult sliding across a beveled wall) and there was a tree full of leaves directly in front (stepping back to see progress is key in street art). Some of the lines are not as crisp as I’m used to, but given the circumstances I did great! It was lovely to have people from the neighborhood stop by to say “thank you” or watch me spray for a bit. Honestly, in those moments the pressure of perfection fades and I realize the whole point is to brighten a community. (Plus I saw a salamander!)

*All women worked on this mural- Ginger Contreras- who started the project, Mariam, the owner of Luna’s, Scientists Irene and Rupa, and myself.
HUGE thank you to Ginger for putting this project together, her mom Coco for stopping by to support, Luna’s owner and employees for the hospitality & of course scientists- Rupa and Irene for teaching me about their fields & contributing their knowledge for the elements of the design!


BE ANYTHING - Chilton Public Summer Reading Program // With local teens

Spray & Exterior Wall Paint
LOCATION: Chilton, WI (Auto Source, Hwy 151)

“Be Anything” - The image shows a face split in two- one half being your average reader and the other a fantastical character accessed through the book she is reading. The meaning is: “Through books, movies and events from our local library, we are able to experience a different story and have aspects of our own lives reflected back to us. We can enter into the life of another in a way surpassing our own limits, connecting with their inner strength to discover our own, as well as seeing parts of our lives that may need attention & growth.”

This mural was made for the Chiltion Public Library’s summer reading program- intended to not only spark wonder in those passing by, but also bring the community together by inviting teens from any town to assist in it’s creation. This mission was certainly a success with teens arriving daily eager to help, as well as receiving an overwhelming response from people who stopped consistently to tell us we were doing a great job, give us snacks, or just to say “thank you.”

I created the design to allow teens to choose something simple, or more complex based on their skill level, and encourage them to try pieces they felt were more difficult to get them out of their comfort zone, with the reassurance that “you can always paint over it.” Thank you Chilton, Kathy Schmitzer and the team of Auto Source, Teens who helped in the creation, and of course Chllton Public Library for working with me on this project. It shows me how much art is needed in our communities.

More projects here!